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Tadema Reserve is one of Nillumbik's special places and needs more of our attention. Tucked away in a residential area, it protects a small population of Eltham Copper Butterflies and important remnant vegetation.

Our weeding and planting efforts last year made significant difference to the reserve, and this time we are joining forces with Friends of St Helena Bush Reserve and Friends of ECB.


Come along, 10am - midday for another productive and fun morning.

Meet at the northern end of Eucalyptus Rd.
Questions? email

march 23 2025  10am


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FoB HH_Logo feb16 2023 small png.png

APRIL 5 2025  10am







Come along and explore the bounty and beauty of a local wetland and its connection to the broader landscape. Learn and observe its plants and creatures, their relationships and changes in seasonal cycles.
Focusing on indigenous insects will tickle your antennae. We’ll also discuss how simple actions can support better outcomes for our environment.  
We are always thrilled by what we see here..

All ages and levels of knowledge are welcome.
If you have specific accessibility requirements please email us.

While we take all care to ensure your wellbeing (and encourage you to do the same for others), you remain responsible for yourself :-) 

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The night was Abuzz with brilliant talks, music, drawings, documentaries, poetry, photos, fabulous conversation and tasty treats. A beautiful evening. Deep gratitude for all our brilliant presenters and the eager crowd.
For details read the article in September's Manningham & Nillumbik Bulletin, page 19​

To see Fabian Douglas's slides, click here

To read poems by B Woodland Walters, click here​
To see photos of Stephanie Mortlock's beautiful drawings
click here

Videos shown by Deb & Rob Oliver and Michael Smith can be seen on Nillumbio Youtube here
Local musicians Rodney Waterman, Tristan Pierce, and the Chocolate Lilies Choir also enriched the evening.
James' photos coming soon.

Birrarung walk with
Uncle Bill & Friends of Biodiversity HoHnes Hill


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Nillumbik Council Elections 2024
Candidates & Biodiversity 

candidate responses


We conducted a survey to give Nillumbik voters a window into Candidates’ preferences and promises for safeguarding the unique biodiversity of this beautiful Country we live on.

The survey was sent to all Candidates with publicly available contact details.
Click above to view results.
Click below to see survey questions.
We thank Zenith Psychology for providing the survey platform and support. 



Nillumbio seeks to enable a more informed community.

As such, we are partnering with  Nillumbik Climate Action Team (NCAT) for an online candidate forum.

This forum will provide an opportunity to engage with candidates, learn of their objectives and pose questions.
We have also undertaken a candidate survey - with input from our community and a panel of 'assessors' - and will be sharing results in coming weeks. If you are on the mailing list you will receive details via email. We will also publish information on this webpage.

Local council elections are our chance to choose who represents our community on the issues we care about. Nillumbio believes that protecting and re-establishing biodiversity should be a top priority for all candidates.


 We are non-partisan, and do not endorse any individual or political party. â€‹â€‹â€‹

SUNday AUGUST 4 2024


Discover the secrets to creating thriving insect habitats in your backyard.

Michael Smith invites the Nillumbio community to observe & participate in the transformation of his garden into a haven for local insects. 

Learn and share strategies and techniques that enhance insect diversity. With the right conditions, these support birds, lizards, antechinus & more!
- Effective weeding techniques
- Thoughtful plant selection & optimal plant spacing

- Rock and log placement
- Importance of leaf litter and decomposing material
- Propagation of plants

- Restoration work in action - apply what you learn on site!​

We welcome all ages and levels of knowledge.
If you have specific accessibility requirements please email us.

While we take all care to ensure your wellbeing (and encourage you to do the same for others), you remain responsible for yourself :-) 


Join our seasonally responsive walks where we'll focus on indigenous plants and animals, often sharing a strong relationship. Discover details of the Nillumbik bush, and simple ways you can make a difference. 

Join our online forums to learn about wombats, orchids, avian bone pins, relationships between plants and animals, how special Nillumbik's biodiversity is and much more...


Learn about local weeds, take part in their eradication and replace with indigenous flora. The health of our environment is in our hands.
We're developing a weed-mapping project to enable better outcomes.  Contact for info


We joined the global City Nature Challenge but with a local twist. Biodiversity-focused activities transform an area over time, and we discover amazing details. Help welcome more wildlife across Nillumbik! More to come...





We're keen to hear from you! Do you have some knowledge to share? Want to make a suggestion? Email us

Register to receive updates. We respect your privacy and never share your details. We do our best to keep our emails brief and not send too many!

Our community, our responsibility,
Join the community collaboration to develop local plans for advocacy and action to achieve reversal of biodiversity decline in Nillumbik.

We come together to ensure better outcomes for biodiversity - we understand the true costs if we continue with business as usual...

Nillumbik Shire Council is in the final stages of preparing the Urban Tree Canopy Strategy. 

They have received written and verbal submissions from the community. You can see the verbal submissions via this video link. The Submissions were the focus for the June 11  2024 Planning and Consultation Committee Meeting.

Keep up to date with what is happening via the Council website.

Community awareness, participation, and expectation of appropriate funding for such issues is important.

CLICK HERE to access a document prepared in response to the Draft Biodiversity Strategy.


May 14 2024. The room was full with eloquent and respectful speakers who presented their submissions to Council's Planning and Consultation Committee Meeting. The focus was the Biodiversity Strategy. 

All submissions were a powerful demonstration of the knowledge held within our community, and the deep awareness of biodiversity, its ongoing decline, and urgent need for attention.
As noted by Mayor Ramcharan, there was not a single person in the room who spoke against the adoption of a strong Biodiversity Strategy. 

Enjoy reading some of the terrific and succinct presentations - CLICK HERE

You can listen to/watch the whole recording (with all the submissions) via Council's website - CLICK HERE


CLICK HERE to access an informative document prepared in response to the Draft Biodiversity Strategy.

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